Friday, January 25, 2008

NRTI Medication

Below is a table that shows the drug and food interaction


HIV-Drug : 3TC Epivir
Food : With & without food.
What sort of liquid? : No special requirement.

HIV-Drug : AZT Retrovir
Food : With & without food.
What sort of liquid? : No special requirement.

HIV-Drug : D4T Stavir Zerit
Food: With & without food. Package would say that it must be taken on an empty stomach. However food does not make any difference to the amount of d4T absorbed and may help reduce nausea.
What sort of liquid? : No special requirement.

HIV-Drug : Ddl Videx
Food: Essential to take on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating.
What sort of liquid? : Cold water. Take at least 1 hour apart from indinavir.

HIV-Drug : EC ddl Videx EC
Food : Essential to take on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating.
What sort of liquid? : Cold water.

HIV-Drug : AZT+3TC Combivir Duovir
Food: With or without food.
What sort of liquid? No special requirement.

· Drug names in bold are the generic names of the drugs, that is, the official name.
· Drug names in italics are the brand names of the drugs given by each pharmaceutical company.

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